I am new to programming, though not new to computers.  I'm looking to
teach myself Python 3 and am working my way through a tutorial.  At
the point I'm at in the tutorial I am tasked with parsing out an XML
file created with a Garmin Forerunner and am just having a terrible
time getting my head around the concepts.  What I'm looking for is
some suggested reading that might give me some of the theory of
operation behind ElementTree and then how to parse out specific
elements.  Most of what I have been able to find in examples that I
can understand use very simplistic XML files and this Garmin file is
many levels of sub-elements and some of those elements have attributes
assigned, like <Activity Sport="Running">.

I'm hoping with enough reading I can experiment and work my way
through the problem and end up with a hopefully clear understanding of
the ElementTree module and Dictionairies.  

Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


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