In article <551e2cfd$0$11123$>,
Steven D'Aprano  <> wrote:
>On Wednesday 01 April 2015 00:18, Albert van der Horst wrote:
>> In article <55062bda$0$12998$c3e8da3$>,
>> Steven D'Aprano  <> wrote:
>>>The biggest difference is syntactic. Here's an iterator which returns a
>>>never-ending sequence of squared numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, ...
>>>class Squares:
>>>    def __init__(self):
>>>        self.i = 0
>>>    def __next__(self):
>>>        self.i += 1
>>>        return self.i**2
>>>    def __iter__(self):
>>>        return self
>> You should give an example of usage. As a newby I'm not up to
>> figuring out the specification from source for
>> something built of the mysterious __ internal
>> thingies.
>> (I did experiment with Squares interactively. But I didn't get
>> further than creating a Squares object.)
>Ah, sorry about that!
>Usage is:
>it = Squares()  # create an iterator
>print(next(it))  # print the first value
>x = next(it)  # extract the second
>while x < 100:
>    print(x)
>    x = next(it)
>Beware of doing this:
>for x in Squares():
>    print(x)
>since Squares is an *infinite* generator, it will continue for ever if you
>let it. Fortunately you can hit Ctrl-C to interrupt the for loop at any
>In Python 2, you will need to rename __next__ to just next without the
>double-leading-and-trailing underscores.
>>>Here's the same thing written as a generator:
>>>def squares():
>>>    i = 1
>>>    while True:
>>>        yield i**2
>>>        i += 1
>And for this one:
>it = squares()  # create the iterator
>print(next(it))  # print the first value
>x = next(it)  # extract the second
>while x < 100:
>    print(x)
>    x = next(it)
>Usage is pretty much exactly the same.

Thanks, I get it now. next and yield are more or less
switching between coroutines.

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n


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