Am 02.05.15 um 13:21 schrieb Chris Angelico:
On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Christian Gollwitzer <> wrote:
I need to add, I grew up with imperative programming, and as such got
recursion as the solution to problems that are too complex for iteration,
i.e. tree traversal and such, and exactly these are never tail-recursive.

Tree traversal can be forking-recursive:

def walk(func):
     if self.left and self.left.walk(func): return 1
     if func(self.payload): return 1
     if self.right: return self.right.walk(func)

The left walk is non-tail-recursive, but the right walk is. This
particular style looks rather less clean with iteration:

Accepted. In case your tree is heavily imbalanced, i.e. it is a list pretending to be a tree, the tail-recursion can cut down the memory usage significantly. It does not help, though, in the general case of a balanced tree or if the tree leans to the left side. That's why I still think it is a microoptimization, which helps only in some specific cases.


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