Ben Finney <>:

> Chris Angelico <> writes:
>> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> >> That's Python's job. Abstracting away all those differences so you
>> >> don't have to look at them.
>> >
>> > That's the difference between our opinions: you want Python to work
>> > the same on different OS's. I want Python's system programming
>> > facilities to closely mirror those of C.
>> In that case, what you should do is devise an alternative language
>> that compiles as a thin layer over C. […] But you don't want a high
>> level language, if your greatest goal is "closely mirror C".
> +1.
> Marko, you have many times criticised Python on the basis,
> essentially, that it is not some other platform. It's quite
> unproductive, and leads only to discussions that are at best
> frustrating for all involved.
> If you want a platform that is fundamentally different from Python,
> there are plenty available for you. Arguing that Python should be
> fundamentally different will not avail us anything good.

I don't. Python *does* provide OS-dependent facilities. Somebody
complained about that. I said Python was the way it should be, even
though there are signs Python "wants" to become more Java-esque.

For example, Python provides the errno module. Its use and meanings can
be looked up with man pages.

So Python has the great advantage that it *can* be used as a Linux
system programming language. And I am.


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