On 5/9/2015 2:30 PM, Antranig Vartanian wrote:

I learned the basics of python using the book "Think Python"
(http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/) which was good (IMHO), and
it teaches in Python 2.7. Now I'm trying to write my first python+gtk

anyways, my question will be, is it so necessary to move to python3.x
ASAP? or Python2.7 will live for a while (2-3 years)?.

1.5 is still in use, so that is not exactly the issue.

I and many here recommend starting with current 3.x unless there is a compelling reason otherwise:
1. learning from a 2.7 book;
2. employer requires 2.7
3. using 2.x only module. If you are determined to use gtk and are using the PyGTK bindings https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyGTK/2.24.0
then you have no choice.

If you write 2.7 code, make it as 3.x-like as sensible. Others may post some links.

If you use unicode, you might be happier with 3.x or even have to use it.

Terry Jan Reedy


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