On Sun, 10 May 2015 13:43:03 -0700, Chris Seberino wrote:

> Instead of learning only Scheme or only Python for a one semester intro
> course, what about learning BOTH?  Maybe that could somehow get the
> benefits of both?
> I'm thinking that for the VERY beginning, Scheme is the fastest language
> to get beginners up and running writing code due to the extremely
> minimal simple syntax.
> I'm thinking half way into the semester, instead of moving into
> intermediate Scheme, perhaps that is a good time to switch to Python?
> Would a little strong intro to 2 nice languages in one semester be
> same/good/worse/better than just 1?

The first course I took, we learned Algol-60, then when we couldn't get 
computer time for compiles, we were asked to pick up FORTRAN-IV on the 
side.  So we "published" our solutions to the class problems in Algol and 
re-wrote them to be run in FORTRAN.  It was a fine first-hand look at 
what the "general purpose" in General Purpose Computer really meant.  
There was no confusing the machine and the language after that.  Scheme/
Python would be even more radical, I think.  If you can put them across 
effectively, I say go for it.

> cs


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