Chris Angelico <>:

> That's as may be, but I would still not recommend [C] as a first
> language.

I think the field can be approached from many angles successfully. And
any approach will fail many students.

The nice thing about C is that your feet are firmly on the ground.
There's little magic. You can then abstract your concrete knowledge of C
to higher-level concepts.

In fact, going the other way could be harder. I'm thinking the lofty
abstractions like objects will remain sort of mysteries without an
experience with a low-level language.

That's why first-graders are not given education in abstract algebra or
category theory. They are first taught elementary arithmetics. The lofty
concepts are abstracted from the low-level concepts and not the other
way around. (I had a feeling in high-school that math was easy. In the
university, I had the opposite experience: I hadn't understood a thing
in high-school. However, the elementary "wrong" knowledge was a stepping
stone to the "correct" understanding.)


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