On 14/05/2015 18:11, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 3:02 AM, BartC <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:

I hope there's a quicker way of re-building an executable after a minor
source file change, otherwise doing any sort of development is going to be

The whole point of 'make' is to rebuild only the parts that need to be
rebuilt (either they've changed, or they depend on something that was
changed). Sometimes practically everything needs to be rebuilt, if you
do some really fundamental change, but generally not.

The three parts to the build process are:

1) make - actually generate an executable. Takes ages the first time,
will be a lot quicker if you haven't changed much.
2) make test - run the entire test suite. Takes just as long every
time, but most of it won't have changed.
3) make install (needs root access, so probably 'sudo make install') -
install this as your primary build of Python.

When you start tinkering, I suggest just running make; rerunning the
test suite isn't necessary till you're all done, and even then it's
only important for making sure that your change hasn't broken anything
anywhere else. Test your actual changes by simply running the
freshly-built Python - most likely that'll be "./python".

OK, thanks. I didn't even know where the executable was put! Now I don't need 'make install', while 'make test' I won't bother with any more.

Making a small change and typing 'make' took 5 seconds, which is reasonable enough (although I had to use the copy of the source in Windows to find where the main.c file I needed was located).

Now Python 3.4.3 says "Bart's Python".


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