Mike Meyer wrote:
> Rewriting a canonical abuse of lambda in this idiom gives:
> myfunc = def @(*args):
>              return sum(x + 1 for x in args)

Nice proposal.  Technically you don't need the @ there, it is 
superfluous.  But then again so is the colon, so whatever floats your boat.

> class Spam(object):
>       myprop = property(fget = def @(self):
>                                    return self._properties['myprop']
>                                ,
>                         fset = def @(self, value):
>                                    self._properties['myprop'] = value
>                                ,
>                         fdel = def @(self)
>                                    del self._properties['myprop']
>                                ,
>                         doc = "Just an example")

I think the anonymous lambdas need to be outside the parentheses to be 
parsable.  Maybe like this:

class Spam(object):
        myprop = property(fget, fset, fdel, doc="just an example"):
            where fget = def (self):
            where fset = def (self):
            where fdel = def (self):

As you can see, it doesn't save much over the traditional way since you 
have to name the "anonymous" lambdas anyway.

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