Thanks for your help. I want the python to run automatically after boot and 
show a blank white screen, when a combination of GP10 inputs are HIGH python 
displays one of 150 JPEGS. Is this possible? what sort of boot times can I get 
with Arch?

On Wednesday, 20 May 2015 08:14:50 UTC+1, Christian Gollwitzer  wrote:
> Am 20.05.15 um 08:49 schrieb Howard Spink:
> > I have a Pi + SD card with Pi OS + PiTfT screen
> >
> > I am trying to display specific JPEGs when certain combination of GP10 
> > inputs are HIGH. I would like to use Python, I have no background in 
> > programming. Can someone point me on the right tracks?
> >
> No bg in programming is not very helpful. I suggest you do some 
> tutorials. For instance, the PiTFT has this:
> It shows how you can display images from the shell. Next, do a tutorial 
> on Python programming, e.g. 
> - but you shold choose one that fits your way of learning. Maybe there 
> is a RasPI tutorial also, which shows you how to read from the GP ports, 
> I'm too lazy to google it now - just try combinations of API, tutorial, 
> documentation with keywords like RasPI, GP, GP programming etc.
> Finally you can wire this all up. An experienced programmer with no 
> previous knowledge of RasPI can do this within half an hour by reading 
> these guides. Your biggest task is to understand programming. Have fun!
>       Christian


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