On 22/05/2015 08:59, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
I want to learn a lot of things. For example writing database and
graphical applications. For database I decided on SQLAlchemy and GUI
on Tkinter. In principal I want to write Python 3 applications.

I came across Camelot. As I understand it, this is something to write
graphical database applications fast. It works with Qt, but that
should not be a big problem. It is just to get me started. But it
seems only to work with 2.7 and not 3. Is this true?

Would Camelot be a good tool to get me started, or can I better bite
the bullet and just start with Tkinter and SQLAlchemy?

As others have already said plain SQL is perfectly adequate in many situations. There are also other ORMs with peewee and ponyORM springing straight to my mind, although there's certainly a far longer list. What it gets down to is "horses for courses" and you're the only person who (hopefully) knows the course you're running :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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