On 21/05/2015 23:31, MRAB wrote:
On 2015-05-21 23:20, John Pote wrote:
Hi everyone.
I recently had the problem of converting from an integer to its
representation as a list of binary bits, each bit being an integer 1 or
0, and vice versa. E.G.
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]

This I wanted to do for integers of many tens, if not hundreds, of bits.
Python very nicely expands integers to any size required, great feature.

Just wondered if there was a neat way of doing this without resorting to
a bit bashing loop.

Looking forward to some interesting answers,

I don't know how efficient you want it to be, but:

>>> number = 0x53
>>> bin(number)
>>> bin(number)[2 : ]
>>> list(map(int, bin(number)[2 : ]))
[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]

Thanks for the replies. Interesting that the offered solutions involve converting to a binary text string and then the individual chars back to ints. I had thought this would be a route to solve this problem but it seemed a bit 'heavy' hence I thought it worthwhile asking the question.

My solution to converting a list of 1s and 0s back to an int is
        listLen = len( binList )
n = sum( [ binList[i]*( 2**(listLen-1 - i) ) for i in range(listLen)] )

In response to Ben Finney's question, I haven't done homework for 40 years! Genuine problem, I had decided that the clearest way to write the algorithm I was working on was to use lists of 1s and 0s rather than normal ints.

Thanks for the help,

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