Cecil Westerhof <ce...@decebal.nl> writes:

> I help someone that has problems reading. For this I take photo's of
> text, use convert from ImageMagick to make a good contrast (original
> paper is grey) and use lpr to print it a little bigger.

>     import glob
>     import subprocess
>     treshold = 66
>     count = 0
>     for input in sorted(glob.glob('*.JPG')):
>         count += 1
>         output = '{0:02d}.png'.format(count)
>         print('Going to convert {0} to {1}'.format(input, output))
>         p = subprocess.Popen(['convert', '-threshold', 
> '{0}%'.format(treshold), input, output])
>         p.wait()
>         print('Going to print {0}'.format(output))
>         p = subprocess.Popen(['lpr', '-o', 'fit-to-page', '-o', 'media=A4', 
> output])
>         p.wait()

Maybe using check_call() would be simpler, but it will, well, check for
the exit code of convert/lpr (which you should do anyway). And I would
call that variable "threshold" instead of "treshold".

(What I don't see is the advantage you find in writing such scripts in
python instead of sh, but I guess you have your own reasons.)

-- Alain.

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