Laura Creighton <>:

> Von Neumann recommended against floating-point numbers for the 1951
> IAS machine, arguing that fixed-point arithmetic is preferable. I
> agree, but, if John von Neumann couldn't win that argument, then there
> is no way on earth I could. So, if floating point is going in, at
> least we should represent them differently.

Your problem is not fixed-point vs floating-point but related to the
radix. Base-10 floating-point would be perfect for you and base-2
fixed-point would demonstrate even worse rounding errors.

> But, hell, I write accounting and bookkeeping systems.

Ah, I see.

In 1951, decimal numbers would have done little good in the UK with the
pound divided into 20 shillings and the shilling into 12 pence. Maybe a
"Babylonian" module would have been perfect.


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