On 06/01/2015 07:19 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:
How hard would it be to encode that into pyparser ?

Check out the docs and you probably will get an idea.  The only real way
to find out is to try it.

Is this file from a certain program?  If so, it's possible someone has
already written a python library for reading it.

It's from a game called Star Trek Online, I think there is a C# parser for it.

The ammount of data I need from this file is very limited.

I don't want to spent too much time on a solution.

I have perhaps today to try and get a solution working ;)

So no time to learn complex pyparsers ?

If you can provide a simple example I might give it a shot ;)

Otherwise I try to wing my own.

Your help might be usefull later on if my own parser sux, fails or is too slow ;)


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