In a message of Tue, 02 Jun 2015 19:46:54 +0200, "ast" writes:
>"Laura Creighton" <> a écrit dans le message de 
>> You may be looking for dictionary dispatching.
>> You can translate the key into a callable.
>> def do_ping(self, arg):
>>    return 'Ping, {0}!'.format(arg)
>> def do_pong(self, arg):
>>    return 'Pong, {0}!'.format(arg)
>> dispatch = {
>>    'ping': do_ping,
>>    'pong': do_pong
>> }
>> and then at some point do
>>    dispatch[command](arg)
>> It is useful to know that tuples make perfectly good dictionary keys,
>> in case you need to store more state somewhere.
>> Laura
>Why "self" is as parameter of functions do_ping and do_pong ?

yanked out of code I had lying around, without proper thought.
Sorry about that.



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