On Sunday  7 Jun 2015 20:51 CEST, Johannes Bauer wrote:

> On 07.06.2015 10:22, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>> That only times the function. I explicitly mentioned I want both
>> the needed time AND the output.
> And you also posted your solution. I fail to find any question in
> your original posting at all.

That is because there was no question: I just wanted to share
something I thought that could be useful. If you would have taken the
trouble to read a little, you would have known that.

>> Sadly the quality of the answers on this list is going down. 
> Maybe you should start asking questions that people are able to
> comprehend so that you get an answer that you like.

I do not want answer I like, but an answer that is useful.

>> Here I get an alternative that does only half what I want and when
>> writing an alternative for ‘!find’ I am told I could use ‘!find’
>> (which only works in ipython, not python and which also not works
>> with Windows).
> Protip: Ditch the shitty attitude. I don't know if you're a jerk or
> not but I know for sure that you sound like one. Makes it also much
> less likely to get the answers you'd like.

So if someone gives an answer that is completely useless it is a
shitty attitude when I point this out? Very interesting indeed.

I do not think I have to expect something useful from you, it looks
like you prefer name calling. Luckily there are a lot of people that
have a different attitude.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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