Laura Creighton <> writes:

> In a message of Thu, 18 Jun 2015 10:04:46 +1000, Ben Finney writes:
> >Since the introduction of keyword-only arguments in Python functions,
> >the question arises of how to communicate this in documentation.
> I suppose it is way too late to scream "I hate keyword-only
> arguments"!

It's never too late for screams, go right ahead.

If you're hoping those screams will result in the keyword-arguments not
being part of Python now and in the future; yes, I think it's too late
for that :-)

 \      “If sharing a thing in no way diminishes it, it is not rightly |
  `\      owned if it is not shared.” —Augustine of Hippo (354–430 CE) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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