On 01/07/15 13:00, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
We are pleased to introduce our next keynote speaker for EuroPython
2015: *Carrie Anne Philbin*. She will be giving her keynote on Thursday,
July 23, to start the EuroPython Educational Summit:

  *** https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/events/educational-summit/ ***

About Carrie Anne Philbin

Carrie Anne is leading the education mission for the Raspberry Pi
Foundation, but is also known as an award winning secondary Computing
& ICT Teacher, Author, YouTuber:

  * Author of "Adventures in Raspberry Pi", a computing book for
    teenagers wanting to get started with Raspberry Pi and
    programming. Winner of Teach Secondary magazine’s Technology &
    Innovation Best Author award 2014.

  * Creator of a YouTube video series for teenage girls called "The
    Geek Gurl Diaries", which has won a Talk Talk Digital Hero
    Award. The episodes include interviews with women working in
    technology and hands on computer science based tutorials.

  * Vice chair of the Computing At Schools (CAS) initiative to get more
    girls and minority groups into computing, which created a workshop
    based hack day for teenagers concentrating on delivering good
    content to include all and "Hack the Curric" bringing academics,
    educators and industry experts together to create inclusive
    resources for the new Computing curriculum.

In 2012, she became a Google Certified Teacher and KS3 ICT subject
Leader at a school in East London. She has a blended and open approach
to teaching as can be seen on her website ICT with Miss P. She became
a Skype Moment Maker and ambassador for technology. She is an
evangelist and often speaks at conferences like BETT, Raspberry
Jamboree, YRS, PyCon UK and now EuroPython.

The Keynote: Designed for Education: A Python Solution

The problem of introducing children to programming and computer
science has seen growing attention in the past few years. Initiatives
like Raspberry Pi, Code Club, code.org, (and many more) have been
created to help solve this problem. With the introduction of a
national computing curriculum in the UK, teachers have been searching
for a text based programming language to help teach computational
thinking as a follow on from visual languages like Scratch.

The educational community has been served well by Python, benefiting
from its straight-forward syntax, large selection of libraries, and
supportive community. Education-focused summits are now a major part
of most major Python Conferences. Assistance in terms of documentation
and training is invaluable, but perhaps there are technical means of
improving the experience of those using Python in education. Clearly
the needs of teachers and their students are different to those of the
seasoned programmer. Children are unlikely to come to their teachers
with frustrations about the Global Interpreter Lock! But issues such
as usability of IDEs or comprehensibility of error messages are of
utmost importance.

In this keynote, Carrie Anne will discuss existing barriers to Python
becoming the premier language of choice for teaching computer science,
and how learning Python could be helped immensely through tooling and
further support from the Python developer community.

EuroPython Educational Summit

We will have Educational Summit focused talks, trainings, birds of a
feather sessions to debate and also Educational Sprints for the
building of education focused projects during the weekend.

             EuroPython 2015 Educational Summit

  *** https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/events/educational-summit/ ***

In 2012, she became a Google Certified Teacher and KS3 ICT subject
Leader at a school in East London. She has a blended and open approach
to teaching as can be seen on her website ICT with Miss P. She became
a Skype Moment Maker and ambassador for technology. She is an
evangelist and often speaks at conferences like BETT, Raspberry
Jamboree, YRS, PyCon UK and now EuroPython.

The Keynote: Designed for Education: A Python Solution

The problem of introducing children to programming and computer
science has seen growing attention in the past few years. Initiatives
like Raspberry Pi, Code Club, code.org, (and many more) have been
created to help solve this problem. With the introduction of a
national computing curriculum in the UK, teachers have been searching
for a text based programming language to help teach computational
thinking as a follow on from visual languages like Scratch.

The educational community has been served well by Python, benefiting
from its straight-forward syntax, large selection of libraries, and
supportive community. Education-focused summits are now a major part
of most major Python Conferences. Assistance in terms of documentation
and training is invaluable, but perhaps there are technical means of
improving the experience of those using Python in education. Clearly
the needs of teachers and their students are different to those of the
seasoned programmer. Children are unlikely to come to their teachers
with frustrations about the Global Interpreter Lock! But issues such
as usability of IDEs or comprehensibility of error messages are of
utmost importance.

In this keynote, Carrie Anne will discuss existing barriers to Python
becoming the premier language of choice for teaching computer science,
and how learning Python could be helped immensely through tooling and
further support from the Python developer community.

EuroPython Educational Summit

We will have Educational Summit focused talks, trainings, birds of a
feather sessions to debate and also Educational Sprints for the
building of education focused projects during the weekend.

             EuroPython 2015 Educational Summit

  *** https://ep2015.europython.eu/en/events/educational-summit/ ***

EuroPython 2015 Team

forwarded to comp.sys.raspberry-pi as I think tey would be interested as well

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