On 07/15/2015 01:05 PM, John McKenzie wrote:
>  Hello, all.
>  Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.
>  I decided to make sure I had something that worked with what I have now 
> and used Curses to finish it. However, it turns out that the extra work 
> and problems with using GPIO pins and wiring up controllers that way is a 
> small amount of headaches and work compared to what I thought it would be 
> and the software part is actually easier than doing it this way. So in 
> the end I will hooking the Raspberry Pi up directly to the buttons and 
> use the Raspberry Pi's GPIO library to do it all.
>  For posterity and in case other beginners want to look at it, here is 
> what I have with curses that works now. Tried to add a function to cause 
> it to only work for a certain amount of time and that did not work. Will 
> worry about that when I do the new programme based off of directly 
> connected buttons and have those working.
>  Thanks everyone.

Thanks for the update! Also I am very glad to hear that using GPIO
doesn't look very difficult.  Good luck on things!


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