On 15/07/2015 22:54, David Karr wrote:
I'm just learning more about Python (although I've been a Java dev for many 
years, and C/C++ before that).

Welcome to the world of sanity after years of insanity :)

A book I'm reading (Learning Python Network Programming) refers to running "pyvenv".  I can find this in my 
Win7 environment, but I was planning on using my CentOS7 VM for most of this.  I have both "python" (Python 
2) and "python3.4" installed.  I noticed a "python-virtualenv.noarch" package, but it said it was 
already installed.

Can someone elaborate on where I should be able to find or install this?

On my Windows 8.1 box its under C:\Python34\Tools\Scripts

(I tried asking this on the #python IRC channel, but I guess I couldn't yell 
loud enough.)

Yelling doesn't get you very far in the Python world, been there, seen it, done it, failed miserably, started again. Funnily enough the second time around was far more succesful.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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