On 19/07/2015 06:53, dieter wrote:
Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> writes:
If the vast majority of Python programmers are focused on 2.7, why are
volunteers to help fix 2.7 bugs so scarce?

I have not done much work related to Python bug fixing. But, I had
bad experience with other open source projects: many of my patches
(and bug reports) have been ignored over decades. This caused me
to change my attitude: I now report bugs (sometimes with patches)
and publish a potential solution in a separate package
(--> "dm.zopepatches.*", "dm.zodbpatches.*"). This way, affected
people can use a solution even if the core developpers don't care.

 From my point of view: if you want help with fixing bugs,
you must ensure that there is a high probability that those contributions
really find their way into the main development lines.
As I understand from other messages in this thread, this is also
a problem with Python bug fixing.

The entire workflow is the problem. This is now being addressed, see my earlier reply to Paul Rubin.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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