In a message of Sun, 19 Jul 2015 23:59:29 +1000, "Steven D'Aprano" writes:
>On Sun, 19 Jul 2015 07:27 pm, Laura Creighton wrote:
>> In the tiny corner of industrial automation where I do a lot of work,
>> nobody is using 3.0.
>I should hope not, because 3.0 was rubbish and is unsupported :-)
>I expect you mean 3.x in general.

indeed.  Or should I be saying Python 3000.

>Bug for bug compatible back to the 1970s, right? :-)


>> So there is great hope among industrial users of Python 
>> that we can get a hold of a 'never going to change any more' version
>> of Python, and then code in that 'forever' knowing that a code change
>> isn't going to come along and break all our stuff.
>Presumably they like the 2.7 features too much to go back to an even older
>version. Because 2.5 or even 1.5 are pretty stable now.
>I'm not kidding about 1.5, a year or two ago there was (so I'm told) a
>fellow at PyCon in the US who was still using 1.5. "If it ain't broke,
>don't fix it" -- he wasn't concerned about security updates, or new
>features, he just needed to keep his legacy applications running.

I have 1.5 code out there.  Unless something breaks there is
no way that I will get permission to ever change it.

>I get it, I really do, and so do the core developers. (Well, most of them,
>and certainly Guido.) It cannot be said often enough and loudly enough that
>if you find yourself in the lucky position where you don't need to care
>about security updates, bug fixes or new functionality, there is absolutely
>nothing wrong with using an old, unmaintained, stable version forever.

Well, Terry asked.

In my corner of the world -- well, iterators are cool.  Though a
ton of my code broke when we got a 'yield' keyword, as I had used
that as a function name all over the place ...  But aside from
that, pretty much nothing post 1.5.2 really made a difference for
us.  Some bugs in struct got fixed, and that was nice, but, well
on the whole we'd like stone cold dead.



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