On 7/21/2015 2:47 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2015-07-21, Emile van Sebille <em...@fenx.com> wrote:
On 7/21/2015 1:32 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:

But, it apears foxit reader is Windows-only so it's a moot point for
Linux/Unix/Mac users.

I've been happy with https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evince on linux.

I'm trying to switch from acroread to evince, bit it has a few serious
usability problems for me:

  1) You can't copy/paste text from evince _at_all_.

Hmm, i just copied "Acorsa Artichoke Heart - Quarter, Water, Can" from a catalog pdf, so _at_all_ depends on something -- I couldn't copy text from scanned documents, but that's to be expected.

     At least it works
     right most of the time with acroread.  I really like being able
     paste example commands or bits of code or a sentance or three

Here's some copied text.

When connecting a DataMan directly to an Ethernet port on a PC, both the PC and the DataMan must be configured for the same subnet. This can be done automatically though
Link Local Addressing or you can manually configure your reader and your PC.

     PDF docs into a shell or editor window.  Pasting tables is a bit
     more work, but it can at least be done with acroread.

and a table (heading is screwed up but the data columns look ok):
This also looks like it may be dependent on how the pdf was created as when I tried with a different table it wouldn't pick up all the columns cleanly. But I don't have acroreader so I couldn't compare. And when I last worked from the 4060 EDI pdf specs some ten years ago that copying most everything was a problem even in acroread -- again, a creation dependent issue I suspect.

0x9 Set AcqTriggerEnable BOOL
0xA Set AcqTrigger BOOL
0xB Get AcqStatusRegister BYTE
0xC Set UserData ARRAY of
0xD Set BufferResultsEnable BOOL
0xE Get DecodeStatusRegister BYTE

  2) You can't print the current view.

I almost never actually print these -- perhaps a page or two for notes or reference -- so I haven't hit this issue.

     I find that invaluable for
     printing portions of documents (e.g. I want just a section of a C
     size schematic printed on letter sized paper, or just one table
     table from a manual sized to fill a 8.5x11 page).  If it did have
     'print view' then lack of a marquee zoom would become another

  3) There's no way to collapse-all in the TOC panel.

I see a thumbnails side panel and index I can hide, but no TOC.

     When I open a
     1200 page document with 30 sections and several hundred sections
     and subsections, I don't want to see all of them all of the time.
     Closing them one at a time by hand is pretty tedious.

I find that about 20-30% of the time I start up evince, I end up
closing it and re-opening the document in acroread.

As I don't have acroread, I find the 100% of the time evince suits my needs.

When-all-you-have-is-a-hammer-ly yr's,



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