max scalf wrote:

> I was able to solve the above problem i listed with the following...please
> let me know if that is the correct way of doing this...or i am way off?
> >>> for sg in sgs:
>     for rule in sg.rules:
>         st = sg,, "inbound:", rule, " source:", rule.grants
>         s = str(st).replace(","," ")
>         #print s
>         get_data(s)
> {'cidr': 'sg-e632d982-995635159130', 'port': 'None', 'proto': '1'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '22', 'proto': 'tcp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '1024', 'proto': 'tcp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '80', 'proto': 'tcp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '138', 'proto': 'udp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '53', 'proto': 'udp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '30015', 'proto': 'tcp'}
> {'cidr': '', 'port': '', 'proto': 'icmp'}

As Chris hinted -- that's the wrong approach. You should instead look at the 
attributes. What does

for sg in sgs:
    print "attributes of sg", dir(sg)
    for rule in sg.rules:
        print "attributes of rule", dir(rule)

print? You should be able to determine the names of the interesting stuff 
from that. If not, try again with vars() instead of dir(), or, the horror!, 
see if you can find some documentation.

Then build the dicts from these attributes, e. g.

result = []
for sg in sgs:
    for rule in sg.rules:
        result.append(dict(,, proto=rule.baz))
print result

It should be obvious that foo, bar, baz are not the correct attribute names, 
they are placeholders to convey the idea.


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