Irmen de Jong wrote:

> On 24-7-2015 16:57, Neal Becker wrote:
>> I have code like:
>> if (condition):
>>   do_something_needing_cleanup
>> code_executed_unconditionally
>> <cleanup has to happen here if required, even if above did return,
>> continue or exception>
>> Now, how can I make sure cleanup happens?  Actually, what I really would
>> like, is:
>> if (condition):
>>   do_something_needing_cleanup
>>   register_scoped_cleanup (cleanup_fnc)
>> code_executed_unconditionally
>> So, any thoughts/hopes of python being able to do something like this?
>> I know we have try/finally, but I don't think that helps here, because
>> code_executed_unconditionally couldn't be inside the try.  Or am I
>> missing something obvious?
> Sounds like you want a context manager, see
> Irmen

Yes, that looks great!  I'm using py2.7.10, so I tried 'contexter' package.
if (condition):

with ExitStack() as stack:
  if condition:
    def cleanup_resources():


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