Posted by E.D.G. July 25, 2015

This posting involves general interest matters and some specific questions regarding Python code usage. Any help would be appreciated.

1. Program conversion effort
2. Specific code questions


An effort is underway by several people including myself to convert a complex Perl language program to some other language such as Python so that, among other things, the program's numerous calculations will run faster.

Perl with the PDL module would probably work. But we could not get the needed type of support for the PDL module. We also looked at Julia and several versions of Basic. But they also did not appear to presently have the type of support that is needed.

Fortran was tried. It is great for calculation speed and the Fortran users were quite helpful. But we could not get certain important questions answered regarding using Fortran to create Windows "Pipes" to other running programs etc.

We are presently checking to see if Python has the needed features and adequate support from Python newsgroups or forums.

At the moment our Perl programs use Windows "Pipes" plus files in an interactive mode to send data to Gnuplot so that the data can be plotted. That actually produces good results. But it is a complex and inefficient process. So part of the conversion process involves learning how to have Python or some other program plot data in the same interactive mode.

In this case "interactive" means that when a chart is being displayed on the computer screen for example, a key such as a Right Arrow Key can be pressed. My main Perl program checks for key presses perhaps 10 times a second and if it detects one it sends the appropriate information to Gnuplot through a "Pipe" so that Gnuplot will open some data file and use its contents to draw a new chart. That redrawing process on a moderately fast computer occurs so rapidly the transition cannot even be seen.

The Perl program does not simply wait for a key to be pressed because it is at times processing data in the background.

It has been my experience that sending large amounts of data from one program to another using a Windows pipe doesn't work very well. So files are presently being used for bulk data transfers.


It will likely take some time to get all of these questions completely answered, especially the ones involving graphics.

1. The initial version of Python being used has to be a free download that is easy to understand. And it has to be compatible with Windows.

      Where can the best free download version of Python be obtained?

Is the ActiveState version the best one for people who are not Python experts?

      I always found it quite easy to install ActiveState versions of Perl.

2.  Graphics - This is likely a fairly complicated question.

      What are some of the graphics options available with Python?

Does it have its own internal graphics routines? Perl does not as far as I can tell. And we never had time to explore Fortran's graphics capabilities.

I am aware of the existence of Matlab. But as stated, everything involved with this present effort has to be a free download so that programmers around the world can easily and inexpensively generate program subroutines etc.

3.  Fast Calculations

It is my expectation that Python by itself does not do calculations very fast when compared to a language such as Fortran.

So, what options are available for increasing the speed of Python calculations?

Python could call a Fortran program to do the calculations just as Perl could. But we would like to avoid having to use more than one language with this effort.

4. What is the code for opening a Windows "Pipe" between a running Python program and some other program such as another Python or Perl program that can work with pipes?

Three examples are needed if possible, one for just sending, one for just receiving, and one that allows both sending and receiving. I know how to open Windows pipes using Perl.

5. We would want Python to check for a key press now and then without actually waiting until a key is pressed. What would be the command for that? It is likely something like Get_Key

6. What is Python's version of the DOS level "System" command that many programs use as in:

system "open notepad.exe"

7. What is Python's version of the SendKey command that many programs use to send information to an active Windows program as in:

SendKey("Message to be printed on the Notepad screen")


SendKey(Right Arrow Key)

8. What commands does Python use to send to, and retrieve information from, the Windows clipboard?

      Regards, and thanks again for any assistance with this.



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