On Friday  7 Aug 2015 11:15 CEST, Peter Otten wrote:

> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>>> python3 --version
>>> python3 -m test -ugui test_tk test_ttk_guionly test_idle
>>> This gives:
>>> Python 3.4.1
>>> [1/3] test_tk
>>> [2/3] test_ttk_guionly
>>> [3/3] test_idle
>>> All 3 tests OK.
>>> This was on openSUSE 13.2.
>>> I also tried to run it on Debian, but there I get:
>>> No moduke named test.__main__; 'test' is a package and cannot be
>>> directly executed
>> I also tried it on an Ubuntu system: there I got the same error.
>> (Not very strange because it is a Debian derivative.)
> By default Debian doesn't install the test suite -- that's why you
> cannot run it ;)
> Install it with
> $ sudo apt-get install libpython3.4-testsuite
> and then try again.

python3-tk needs also to be installed.

I changed the script to:
    uname -mrs
    python3 --version
    start=$(date +%s)
    python3 -m test -ugui test_tk test_ttk_guionly test_idle
    end=$(date +%s)
    printf "Running the tests took %d seconds\n" $((end - start))

On my openSUSE system this gives:
    Linux 3.16.7-21-desktop x86_64
    Python 3.4.1
    [1/3] test_tk
    [2/3] test_ttk_guionly
    [3/3] test_idle
    All 3 tests OK.
    Running the tests took 20 seconds

On the Debian system this gives:
    Linux 3.16.0-4-586 i686
    Python 3.4.2
    [1/3] test_tk
    [2/3] test_ttk_guionly
    [3/3] test_idle
    All 3 tests OK.
    Running the tests took 16 seconds

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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