Marko Rauhamaa <>:

> Steven D'Aprano <>:
>> The contemporary standard approach is from Zermelo-Fraenkel set
>> theory: define 0 as the empty set, and the successor to n as the
>> union of n and the set containing n:
>> 0 = {} (the empty set) 
>> n + 1 = n ∪ {n}
> That definition barely captures the essence of what a number *is*. In
> fact, there have been different formulations of natural numbers.

Rehashing this old discussion. I ran into this wonderful website:


It is an absolute treasure for those of us who hate handwaving in math
textbooks. The database of computer-checked theorems proves everything
starting from the very bottom.

An interesting, recurring dividing line among the proofs is a layer of
"provable" axioms. For example, this proof

(for "⊢ (2 + 2) = 4") references the axiom (<URL:>):

   ⊢ 1 ∈ ℂ

The axiom is "justified by" a set-theoretic theorem:

   Description: 1 is a complex number. Axiom 2 of 22 for real and
   complex numbers, derived from ZF set theory. This
   construction-dependent theorem should not be referenced directly;
   instead, use ax-1cn 7963.

In other words, since there is no canonical way to define numbers in set
theory, Metamath insulates its proofs from a particular definition by
circumscribing numbers with construction-independent axioms.

Anyway, ob. Python reference:

   Using the design ideas implemented in Metamath, Raph Levien has
   implemented what might be the smallest proof checker in the world,, at only 500 lines of Python code.


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