On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 10:24:53 -0500, Jeff Epler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On 'y', Python has no way of recording where '_a' and '_b' were set, so
>you can't tell whether it comes from class 'a' or 'b'.
>You can find the attributes that are defined on 'b' only, though, by
>using 'b.__dict__.keys()', or 'y.__class__.__dict__.__keys__()'.  This
>    ['__module__', 'who1', '__init__', '__doc__']
>If you want to limit yourself to current versions of cpython (because the
>bytecode used in cpython is only an implementation detail) and define a 'member
>of class a' as one where a.__init__ has a statement like 'self.z = ...', you
>can peer into the bytecodes.  Something like this:
>    from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, opname
>    LOAD_FAST = chr(opname.index('LOAD_FAST'))
>    STORE_ATTR = chr(opname.index('STORE_ATTR'))
>    def find(cls):
>        ns = cls.__dict__
>        result = ns.keys()
>        init = ns.get('__init__', None)
>        if not init: return ns
>        f = ns['__init__'].func_code.co_code
>        n = ns['__init__'].func_code.co_names
>        i = 0
>        while i < len(f) - 6:
>            if (f[i] == LOAD_FAST and f[i+1] == f[i+2] == '\0'
>                    and f[i+3] == STORE_ATTR):
>                j = ord(f[i+4]) + 256 * ord(f[i+5])
>                result.append(n[j])
>                i += 6
>            elif f[i] > HAVE_ARGUMENT:
>                i += 3
>            else:
>                i += 1
>        return result
>>>> import franz
>>>> franz.find(y.__class__)
>['__module__', 'who1', '__init__', '__doc__', '_b']

Hello Jeff,

thank you for this desciption.

Well, a little complicated, I must read/try this later,
but it looks promising to get the "last derived class" members ;)

Is there any possibility to simply get out
the classes and baseclasses of a class?

somfunc (y) => class A, B (where B is last).

Ok you can prepare a class, but I need to use
the existing wxPython classes.

Franz Steinhaeusler

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