Cliff Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Still, that leaves Linux and Mac out in the cold.  But I'll admit you
> met my challenge.  Most likely you can actually do most of the things
> with Tk you can with Wx, it's simply a matter of how much effort is
> going to be (for instance, it's certainly quite possible to embed Gecko
> in Tk, but I for one am not likely to be up to the task).

I actually misunderstood your question about embedding a browser and
thought for a while about what it would take to write or port a
serious browser to use tkinter as its graphics layer.  The resulting
picture wasn't pretty.  I wonder whether it's feasible in wxpython.

I like the idea of a browser-like portable gui toolkit.  Instead of
merely wrapping some other widget set, you'd write your interface as
an XML file using HTML-like interface elements.  You'd have callbacks
on the form submit buttons and optionally on the other input elements,
and you could get at the elements through the XML DOM if you were so
inclined (sort of like the HTML DOM that browsers expose through
Javascript).  Implementations could run on top of Tk, GTK, native
Windows widgets, or whatever.  

The language probably shouldn't be exactly HTML (e.g. it should have
some additional widgets), but maybe it could be close enough that
people wanting to do so could use the various wysiwyg web-layout
programs that are out there, to put interfaces together.

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