
I have a Python version: Python 2.7.8

I'm runing it on: Fedora release 21

Yesterday I a sent a question:

I'm starting in the Python scripts. I run this script:

import numpy as np

import netCDF4

f = netCDF4.Dataset('uwnd.mon.ltm.nc','r')


and I had the message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'netcdf4' is not defined

I had two answers to my question. But I could not understand them. I don't have expericence with Python. So I downloaded from the Web a code to calcluate the dew point temperature:

import sys
import numpy as np

# approximation valid for
# 0 degC < T < 60 degC
# 1% < RH < 100%
# 0 degC < Td < 50 degC

# constants
a = 17.271
b = 237.7 # degC

# sys.argv[0] is program name

def dewpoint_approximation(T,RH):

    Td = (b * gamma(T,RH)) / (a - gamma(T,RH))

    return Td

def gamma(T,RH):

    g = (a * T / (b + T)) + np.log(RH/100.0)

    return g

Td = dewpoint_approximation(T,RH)
print 'T, RH',T,RH
print 'Td=',Td

Then I run it and I had the message:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'p2' is not defined

Like the same error that I had for my first run.

Please, someone can help me. I have a commercial software and I would like to use Python.

In advance. Thanks,



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