Before responding (later) I have to add something additional first: 

Cause of complaints and while still exists and again and again:

When I mentioned maybe OO first than for also this reason
cause Python is a powerful language and supports procedural 
and OO features and many more.  
And cause a Python module is conceptually a singleton 
I recognized this as another feature of this language,
nearly similiar to an OO-construct. 

So it is Pyhton itself what brings me to OO thaughts.

>From knowing e.g Java as OO language I had no need to set 
such a keyword "global" to get write access to class members.

And now the main point: Cause all of the features and especially
the singleton construct, I could not believe that Python 
does nearly all for me but forces me then to use such 
a "ugly" keyword "global" in comparison to other OO languages.

So OO and other comparisons where only to demonstrate how it is 
in other languages (and maybe for OO developers to enter 
this talk more easily) but not written to give comments
going aside from this topic.

But I agree, I should have better never mentioned it.
Please lay  OO and sharing globals aside.

It is really about procedural programming and "global"-keyword only.
That said I will really give no longer any comments about this.

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