On 09/09/2015 14:10, Chris Angelico wrote:
> Don't bother responding to jmf - he's our resident Unicode troll. His
> posts don't get through to me any more, except when someone responds
> :) Not sure where they're getting blocked; probably at the news<->list
> boundary.

They're held for mailing list moderation. If they're the usual rant I
discard them.

> You shouldn't have to restrict your username to ASCII. It's 2015, and
> non-ASCII names should work everywhere. Anywhere they don't is a bug
> to be fixed, and I'm confident the pip folks will treat this with the
> respect it deserves.

Definitely. I'll try to reproduce this at home (when I have access to a
machine on which I can create a suitably unicode-y username).



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