Op 11-09-15 om 13:59 schreef Marko Rauhamaa:
> Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be>:
>> I just don't get why people want to introduce special cases in python.
>> Why allow such a construct only in while and if? Why not just allow
>> it generally as an assignment expression?
>> Why not allow:
>>   while (f(x) as fx) > 5:
>>     proces(fx)
>> or
>>   if check(nextvalue() as new):
>>     treat(new)
> Hey, I know, I know!... Let's allow:
>    while (fx = f(x)) > 5:
>        process(fx)
>    if check(new = nextvalue()):
>        treat(new)
> Seriously, though, I share your distaste of special cases, Antoon. Only
> I don't like too much syntax (just look at Perl).

This proposal would have as an effect less syntax. The 'as ...' syntax
already exists, but as special cases. Making 'as ...' a general assignment
operator would eliminated the special cases and collect them all in the
expression syntax. So less syntax.

>  There's nothing wrong
> in:
>    while True:
>        fx = f(x)
>        if fx <= 5:
>            break
>        process(fx)

There was also nothing wrong with:

  if b > c:
    a = 5
    a = 2

>    new = nextvalue()
>    if check(new):
>        treat(new)

Except that it would need an extra indentation level if
it was an elif.

Antoon Pardon


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