
I'm using httplib to create a mutually authenticated HTTPS connection
with a server.

I create the connection as follows:

c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(uri, key_file = key, cert_file = cert)

However, because I am using a private key I keep getting asked to enter
the password to open that key every time I run the script.

I've had a dig around and can't seem to find a way of specifying the
password so that the user can supply it on the command line, or so I
can script/fully automate these connections. The ideal scenario would
be to be able to specify the password on the command line like in

How can I set the password for the private key so it doesn't keep
asking me for it?

Appologies if I've missed something obvious here.



p.s. I need to use httplib (rather than pyCurl) as I need to be able to
specify methods other than GET and POST in my requests to the server.


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