On 1 October 2015 at 18:43,  <paul.hermeneu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python 3 has venv in the kit. Is there a reason users should get the
> virtualenv add-on?

Both can be used; I wrote about virtualenv because it’s the
tried-and-true solution (and is it guaranteed in all Linux distros

On 1 October 2015 at 19:02, Stefan Behnel <stefan...@behnel.de> wrote:
> Chris Warrick schrieb am 01.10.2015 um 18:26:
>> The Nikola developers decided to deprecate Python 2.7 support.
> I wonder why it took the Nikola project so long to take that decision.
> Python 3.3 came out almost exactly three(!) years ago and seems to have all
> major features that they would require. Nikola's PyPI page claims support
> of Python 3.3 for just about as long, since version 5.4 or so, which means
> that all of their dependencies were already available back then.
> It's a different thing for *libraries* that Python 2.x users still depend
> on, but for an *application* that has all its (necessary) dependencies
> available in Python 3.x, I can't see a general reason to keep supporting
> both language versions.
> Stefan

We did it now because it all started with frustration with 2.7 [0].
Also, doing it back in 2012/2013 would be problematic, because back
then not all Linux distros had an easily installable Python 3 stack
(and RHEL 7 still doesn’t have one in the default repos)

[0]: http://ralsina.me/weblog/posts/floss-decision-making-in-action.html

Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/>

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