
On Sat, Oct 03, 2015 at 10:40:57AM -0700, Ronald Cosentino wrote:
> def funA(x,y,z):
>     return (x+y) * z
> def funB(x,y):
>     return(x-y)
> print(funA(4,funB(2,3), funB(3,2)))
> the answer is 3. I don't know how it works.

it's simple:

- there is a "composition of functions", generally
  f(g()) (function in argument list of another function)
- first, Python evaulates the arguments first, from left to right 
- in this point, you'll get -1 for 2nd arg, and 1 for 3rd arg
- then your funcA() will be called with these arguents:
  4, -1, 1
- funcA() calculates this:
  (x+y)*z, in this case (4+(-1))*1

which is 3...


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