On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 06:55 pm, Todd wrote:

> On Oct 13, 2015 2:11 AM, "Steven D'Aprano" <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

>> Consider the following piece of code:
>> def addone(x):
>>     return x + 1
>> The human programmer reading that can trivially infer that x must be a
>> number (or at least something which supports numeric addition). So can
>> the compiler. In a strongly typed language with no numeric promotion, the
>> compiler can infer that x must be an int. In a language with numeric
>> promotion, it can infer that x must be an int or float.
> Or a decimal, complex number, numpy array, any one of a dozen or so pandas
> classes, any one of the dozen or so units classes, sympy variable, etc...

I knew my over-simplification would get me in trouble...

Firstly, if we're talking about Python specifically, the compiler won't
actually infer anything (see PEP 484, which "assumes the existence of a
separate off-line type checker which users can run over their source code
voluntarily"). It is up to the external type checker (or linter, IDE,
documentation generator, refactoring tool, etc) to perform any type checks.

Secondly, what the tool actually infers will depend on the tool. I would
expect that a basic type checker (say, in a text editor) will infer that x
is an int or float only. A more powerful checker might infer the Number ABC
(Abstract Base Class). A specialist checker might even know about numpy,
pandas, units and sympy, but I wouldn't expect a general-purpose type
checker to infer them.

If the programmer cares about such specialist types, then she can easily add
type hints to supplement the checker's type inference, or the checker
itself may be configurable. That's a *quality of implementation* detail.

The beauty of *gradual typing* is that you don't have to care about every
possible class in the entire universe of Python code, only about the
classes you actually care about in the parts of your code you choose to
type check.


Because the Python interpreter itself doesn't care about the compile-time
type checking, if the checker gets in your way, you can just *not run it*.
I also expect that good checkers will include directives to skip sections
of code, so you can include annotations as documentation while still
silencing over-strict or incorrect compile-time type errors. (Runtime type
errors will still occur as normal.)



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