On 25Oct2015 11:35, Ganesh Pal <ganesh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
In the below code, we found that the command i.e  cmd = "mount
/filesystem1" succeeded. But  the test failed due to the weaker stderr
       out, err = proc.communicate()
       if err != "":

Checking stderr is never the correct way to do this.

- To handle this case, Iam planning to use return code and modify the
above code as below ( Any other suggestions please let me know)
 def mount_me():
       cmd = ("mount /filesystem1")
       out, err, ret = run(cmd, timeout=60) # run is the wrapper,
returns (stdout, stderr, returncode)
       if ret != 0: #  zero means succeeded

This is the correct approach.

       logging.error("Can't run %s got %s (%d)!" % (cmd, err, ret))
           return False
-  Do I need to add more check to ensure the mount actually succeeds,
may be a function?

No. Mount should have a zero status if it succeeds and anon-zero exit status if it fails. There is no grey area here.

       if ret != 0 and check_df_output():
         logging.error("Can't run %s got %s (%d)!" % (cmd, err, ret))

Rather than looking at the stdout or stderr of df, consider calling os.statvfs() directly from Python:


Iam using python 2.7 on Linux

It is the same in Python 2.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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