On 10/31/2015 5:28 PM, Tom P wrote:
On 10/24/2015 10:05 PM, Poul Riis wrote:
I have N points in 3D, organized in a list. I want to to point out the
numbers of the two that have the smallest distance.
With scipy.spatial.distance.pdist I can make a list of all the
distances, and I can point out the number of the minimum value of that
list (see simple example below

distances is conceptually a 2-d matrix, but since it would be symmetrical, I gather that it is stored as 1-d represention You should be able to find the formula that converts the linear index to the indexes of the corresponding symmetric matrix. It depends on whether distances represent the upper or lower triangle of the symmetric matrix and whether the triangular matrix is stored by rows or columns.

Terry Jan Reedy


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