Paul Sokolovsky <> writes:
> Recent 1.5 release is an important milestone for the project, major
> changes including:

Thanks for posting this.  We don't hear enough about MicroPython on
this newsgroup so it's good to get these announcements.

Is the language still Python 3.4?  Will it implement 3.5 sometime soon?

> 1. Advanced REPL support with smart auto-indent and auto-completion

Hmm does this make the code footprint significantly bigger?

> 2. Support for client SSL connections.

Nice.  Does it check the server certificate?  Is it based on TLSLite by
any chance?

> 5. There're now 2 well-supported microcontroller boards for
> MicroPython, and dozen(s) community-supported ones.

The PyBoard is very nice, but what is the other one?  I don't see
anything about it on the MicroPython web site.  (Hmm, maybe you mean the
Micro Bit).

Btw, I notice that the "store" page doesn't show any products under my
normal adblock settings.  It's probably best to make it a normal page
instead of an AJAX one.

> MicroPython supports growing subset of Python3 standard library
> (including simplified asyncio package)

This would look much nicer with the new Python 3.5 syntax.

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