On 2015-11-12 15:56, Peter Otten wrote:
> Tim Chase wrote:
> >   with open("file1.md5") as a, open("file2.md5") as b:
> >     for s1, s2 in zip(a, b):
> >       if s1 != s2:
> >         print("Files differ")
> Note that this will not detect extra lines in one of the files.
> I recommend that you use itertools.zip_longest (izip_longest in
> Python 2) instead of the built-in zip().

Yeah, I noticed that after pushing <send> but then posted a later
version that just read chunks of the file which should catch that
file-size difference.  Or, as in that other message, prefix it with
an fstat() check to compare file-sizes so that you don't even have to
open the files if the sizes differ.



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