On Sat, 14 Nov 2015 12:35 pm, vjp2...@at.biostrategist.dot.dot.com wrote:

> I click jython.org standalone jar and it just does a wait cycle.

I'm afraid I can't completely understand the problem you are having, since
you haven't really described it with sufficient detail. But my *guess* (and
this really is just a wild guess) is that you have clicked on a program
icon, and then nothing happens, so you think it is waiting. In most
operating systems, you need to *double-click*, not just click, to run the
program. Try double-clicking instead of single-clicking, and see if that
solves your problem.

If this is not your problem, please try explaining your problem. Help us to
help you, by giving us more information about your situation. Otherwise
we're just guessing.

What is "jython.org standalone jar", and where did it come from? Is this
code you wrote yourself, or code you downloaded? Where did you download it

What is it supposed to do? What does it actually do?

What's a "wait cycle"? How long does it wait, and then what happens?

What operating system are you using? Windows, OS X, Linux, something else?
Version number?

Do you have Java installed? Are .jar files associated with the correct Java

> What does it need to give me a prompt?

What sort of prompt to you expect? A Python prompt, DOS prompt, something



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