Alex Naumov wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Peter Otten <> wrote:
>> Alex Naumov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> does anybody know how to create a HTTPS connections in python2 or
>>> python3? I tried second day to do that with http.client[1], but every
>>> time get error:
>>> from http.client import HTTPSConnection
>>> ImportError: cannot import name HTTPSConnection
>>> Where is HTTPSConnection located? Which module?
>>> I use openSUSE 13.1 x86_64.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Alex
>>> [1]
>> Did you compile Python from source?
> No, I install it as a package.
>> You may be missing the development
>> packages.
> Yes, it looks like some packages are not there.
>> On a minimal SLES-12-x86_64 installation:
> Can you tell me what's the name of package with http.client module please?

You already have that module as it is part of the Python standard 
installation. You can double check by importing something that is always 
available. E. g. the following should succeed on your system

>>> from http.client import HTTPConnection

What you are likely missing is ssl support. Try

>>> import ssl

to verify that it fails and post the traceback.

Unfortunately my conclusion from Marco's post is that

>>> from http.client import HTTPSConnection

should succeed on your system without the need for additional packages. 
Something seems to be broken, but I have no idea what, sorry.


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