On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Laura Creighton <l...@openend.se> wrote:
> It is not the case that 'serious website developers use heavyweight
> systems like Django' --- lots and lots of serious developers use
> Flask or Bottle because Django makes you do it the Django way.
> Flask lets you do it however you like.  Professionally, our company
> has designed a ton of websites and we use Flask nearly all of the
> time, and Pylons the rest of the time.  If your brain is well-suited
> for Django, by all means use that, but if it is not, then do something
> else.
> I teach kids who are 9-12 years old, weekends.
> Hosting their own site to support pictures of their pets is a very
> common thing to want to do.

To add to the Flask recommendation: I teach adults (mostly; one of my
students is in high school) to use Python, SQLAlchemy, and Flask,
putting together a classic dynamic web site model. (I also use Flask
myself for a couple of sites, and I like it; but that recommendation
is weak because I don't have much experience with *other* frameworks.
So all it means is "Flask hasn't majorly annoyed me".)


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