Christian Gollwitzer <> wrote:

> Am 28.11.15 um 11:29 schrieb Ulli Horlacher:
> > One of my Windows test users reports, that the file dialog window of
> > askopenfilename() starts behind the console window and has no focus.
> > On Linux (XFCE) I do not have this problem.
> >
> > I start it with:
> >
> >    Tk().withdraw()
> >    file = askopenfilename(title='select a file',initialdir=HOME)
> >    set_window_focus() # give focus back to console window
> >
> > Can one force askopenfilename() to start in foreground with focus?
> I can't test it right now, but I think it /should/ go into the 
> foreground by itself. 

This is what I think, too :-)
But my test user reports me, it is not so.

> I see two thingd:
> 1) Tk().withdraw()
> - this seems odd to me, because you don't keep a reference to the Tk 
> object around. 

I thought, I need it for Tk initialization.
But true, it is superfluous

> I think that you are curing a lot of symptoms with the focus setting to 
> the console etc.

This is done after the file selection window is closed. This works.

> Many problems would simply go away if you wrote the whole thing as a GUI
> program.

Too much hassle.
The predecessor was a Perl/Tk program and I have had to invest 90% of the 
programming work into the GUI handling. No fun at all.
Now, with fexit in Python, I skipped most of these problems.
The only GUI part is the file selection.

> If I understand correctly, what you want - a program to select files and
> folders to upload to your server 

This is only one of the tasks. The main menu looks:

[s]  send a file or directory
[g]  get a file
[c]  change login data (user, server, auth-ID)
[l]  login with webbrowser
[u]  update fexit
[h]  help
[q]  quit

(with more features to come in the future)

And the CLI:

framstag@juhu:~: ./ -h
usage: fexit [-C "comment"] [-a container] file(s) recipient[,...]
example: fexit flupp.avi
example: fexit -C "more data" -a labdata *.png,

usage: fexit FEX-download-URL
example: fexit

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum IZUS/TIK         E-Mail:
Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
Allmandring 30a                Fax:    ++49-711-682357
70550 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:

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