On Thu, 03 Dec 2015 01:46:44 +0100, Laura Creighton wrote:

> In a message of Wed, 02 Dec 2015 22:51:13 +0000, Denis McMahon writes:
>>On Wed, 02 Dec 2015 11:32:25 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:
>>> In what way is discussion of a tangential topic feeding the troll?
>>> Said troll is not even participating in the discussion.
>>Reposting / responding / following up with the original subject boosts
>>the visibility of the subject to internet search engines because of the
>>way newsgroups get gated to websites.

> That is not what I was told.  I was told that these days it is all done
> by References: lines.  Thus changing the Subject no longer has this
> effect.  Wrong?

Hmm, not sure on that bone, I heard that more instances of a phrase being 
found (eg in forums where a web page includes the subject in each 
message) helped increase the visibility of the phrase in some way, but I 
don't profess to understand how search engines score stuff, and I'm 
fairly sure few people do to be honest.

And what I heard might no longer be true if it ever was to be honest.

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

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