Am 08.12.15 um 19:21 schrieb Anthony Papillion:
I have a TON of email (years) stored in my Thunderbird. My backup
strategy for the last few years has been to periodically dump it all
in a tar file, encrypt that tar file, and move it up to the cloud.
That way, if my machine ever crashes, I don't lose years of email.

But I've been thinking about bringing Python into the mix to build a
bridge between Thunderbird and SQLite or MySQL (probably sqlite) where
all mail would be backed up to a database where I could run analytics
against it and search it more effectively.

I'm looking for a way to get at the mail stored in Thunderbird using
Python and, so far, I can't find anything. I did find the mozmail
package but it seems to be geared more towards testing and not really
the kind of use I need.

You have several options.

1) As noted before, Thunderbird ususally stores mail in mbox format, which you can read and parse. However it keeps an extra index file (.msf) to track deleted messages etc. Until you "compact" the folders, the messages are not deleted in the mbox file

2) You can configure it to use maildir instead. Maildir is a directory where every mail is stored in a single file. That might be easier to parse and much faster to access.

3) Are you sure that you want to solve the problem using Python? Thunderbird has excellent filters and global full text search (stored in sqlite, btw). You can instruct it to archive mails, which means it creates a folder for each year - once created for a past year, that folder will never change. This is how I do my mail backup, and these folders are backed up by my regular backup (TimeMachine). You could also try to open the full text index with sqlite and run some query on it.

4) Yet another option using Thunderbird alone is IMAP. If you can either use a commercial IMAP server, have your own server in the cloud or even write an IMAP server using Python, then Thunderbird can access/manipulate the mail there as a usual folder.

5) There are converters like Hypermail or MHonArc to create HTML archives of mbox email files for viewing in a browser



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