Using python 3.4.2.
Tcl/tk example here is from /usr/share/tk8.5/demos/widget and .../menu.tcl.
The way tcl/tk adds cascaded radiobuttons to a menu is like this:
set m $
$ add cascade -label "Cascades" -menu $m -underline 0
$m add cascade -label "Radio buttons" -menu $
set m $
$m add radio -label "Roman" -variable style...
$m add radio -label "Italic" -variable style...

...and so on.

My difficulty doing the same in PyTk is the following: When creating that 
uppermost cascade, you do something like
menu.add_cascade(label = "Cascades")
...but there is no ability to save a usable reference to that top-level 
cascade. If I do so anyway and add a radiobutton to it, nothing appears, no 
errors either. What is the correct way to cascade radiobuttons from a cascaded 
menu in PyTk? Thanks....Nick


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